As a part of our social commitment, the faculty together with the involvement of students, department distributed two smart phones to two of our needy B. Sc final year chemistry students.
Break the Chain campaign
The post Graduate Department of Chemistry and Research Centre, St.Alberts college (Autonomous) has as played a major role in “Break the Chain campaign” launched by State Health Department. Department faculty made bulk quantity of hand sanitizer and distributed free of cost in pocket sized bottles labelled” Break the chain “ with each having a capacity of 20 m L. Department ventured into the mass production of hand sanitizer in collaboration with Ashis Super Mercato, of archdiocese of Verapoly to be used to hand sanitize their customers.
Visit to house of providence – A home for the aged, Archdiocese of Verapoly
The post Graduate Department of Chemistry and Research Centre has organized a visit to House of Providence, A Home for the Aged, run by the Diocese of Verapoly on 13th December 2019. Sixty students and ten teachers of the department took part in the programme. The students interacted with the inmates, distributed snacks and the essential items like soap, tooth paste and combs.
Albertian Swachatha Mission 2020
As a part of Albertian Swachatha Mission, St Albert’s College has decided to clean both the sides of Banerji road from High Court Junction to North over bridge. Chemistry department was allotted the area near the High court junction. The program started with an official meeting near the High court junction which was inaugurated by the Most Rev. Msgr Jose Padiyaramparambil. Most of the students actively participated in the program. It came to an end by 10. 30 am.
Visit to house of providence – A home for the aged, Archdiocese of Verapoly
The post Graduate Department of Chemistry and Research Centre has organized a visit to House of Providence, A Home for the Aged, run by the Diocese of Verapoly on 22nd December 2018. The students interacted with the inmates, distributed snacks and the essential items like soap, tooth paste and combs.
This year our christmas celebration was held outside the campus. Students visited several places like Sishubhavan, Missionaries of charity etc. Students and teachers of the department took part in the programme. The students interacted with the inmates and distributed snacks.
This year we celeberated christmas with the inmates of House of Providence, an Old Age Home in Ernakulam. Our Final Year Students along with Dr. Jude Martin Mendez, visited theOld Age Home and celeberated christmas.