Dr. Anna Ancy Antony A.
- Received Early Career Research Award by Science and Engineering Research Board, India(DST-SERB, Major research project titled ‘Taxonomy and Molecular Phylogeny of the genus Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) in India’. Total cost of the project Rs. 27,97162/- dated 15th May 2018)
2. Received Prof. M. Sabu Award (Best paper award in section for teachers and scientists) in 31st IAAT Conference held at Maharashtra from 5th to 7th April 2022.

Department of Botany, St. Albert’s College adjudged 1st Runner-up in the Departments’ category. Dr.K. Madhu sudhanan of the department was awarded with Albertan Energy Conservation Award in the staff category.
Award of Ph.D degree
The research scholar cum guest faculty of the department Shahina N.K , under the guidance of the research guide Dr. K. Madhusudhanan was awarded Ph.D degree by Mahatma Gandhi university , Kottayam.