Report of the open house of B.Sc. 2019-2022 batch
Open house was conducted for I semester students on 25/10/2019. Parents of 11 students attended the meeting. 7 parents informed their inconvenience to attend the meeting and shall meet the teacher later. Matters regarding first internal exam, attendance shortage, study strategies and general conduct of students were discussed.The open house of the Sem. II is kept in abeyance due to the present Covid 19 outbreak and suspension of classes. Tutor of the class Anna Ancy A is doing the regular updates and follow-ups for the same.
Report of the open house of M.Sc. 2019-21 batch
Open house was conducted for I semester students on 30/08/2019. Parents of all students attended the meeting. Matters regarding first internal exam, attendance shortage, study strategies and general conduct of students were discussed.Mr Charles Blue father of Lhea Blue and Mr Basheer father of Shahanas were selected as the class representatives while Bindhu Jayan mother Arpana Jayan was also included as women representative for.
The open house of the Sem. II is kept in abeyance due to the present Covid 19 outbreak and suspension of classes. Tutor of the class Madhusudanan K is doing the regular updates and follow-ups for the same.
Report of the open house of M.Sc. 2018-20 batch
1st semester
Open house of M.Sc 1st semester 2018-20 batch was held on 5/10/2018. 13 parents attended the meeting. The teachers suggested that the parents should ensure that the wards have breakfast before leaving home as many students are tired in morning classes, and they should give more time for studies. Majority of the parents were of the opinion that more time should be provided for submission of records . they also opined that the students have difficulty in reaching the college on time in the morning as many of them stay far from the college.
2nd semester
Open house of M.Sc 2nd semester 2018-20 batch was held on 18/03/2018. 7 of the 12 parents came for the open house. The teachers were of the opinion that the students must dedicate more time for their studies.
3 rd semester
Open house of M.Sc. 3 rd semester 2018-20 batch was held on 27/8/19. 11 of the 12 parents came for the open house. They were informed about the tests and the strategies to be adopted for the end semester examinations were discussed.
The Tutors Drishya K R (2018-19) period and Dr Siju M V made the required follow-ups including the result analysis and remedial programmes.