Panel Discussion on “Gandhian Values in Contemporary World” moderated by Dr. Nisha Thomji Varghese, Dean Quality Assurance, St. Albert’s College Autonomous” in two days National Seminar on “Gandhian Principles and Vision” in commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi
The panel members shared the topics Gandhian Principle of Non-Violence by Mr. Kannan P. R, Department of Economics, St. Albert’s College Autonomous. Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals on Perseverance by Ms. Swetha S Pai, Department of English, St. Albert’s College Autonomous. The Gandhian Philosophy of Anger and Intolerance as the Enemies of Correct Understanding by Ms. Sraddha Remesh, Department of English, St. Albert’s College Autonomous. Mahatma Gandhi’s Take on Integrity by Ms. Arathi Saleef, Post Graduate Department of English, St. Albert’s College Autonomous. Mahatma Gandhi – The Lone Voice of Truthfulness by Mr. Neeraj Nepolian, Department of Economics, St. Albert’s College Autonomous. Simplicity – Gandhiji’s Greatest Virtue, Mr. Kashyap Manoj Menon, Department of Logistics Management, St. Albert’s College Autonomous.