No. SACA/2020/OCOE/ESU4/01                                                                   Date: 27-05-2020.


  It is hereby notified that the BA/B.Sc/ B.Com/B.Voc/ BBA (New Scheme Regular 2018 Admission)/B.Voc(2016)  Degree End Semester Examinations of Fourth Semester , which were postponed due to the Nationwide Lock-down, in view of the prevailing COVID 19, are re-scheduled to be conducted from 09-06-2020 as per the Government guidelines.  Covid 19 protocol will be followed during the examinations. Students should  wear masks and social distancing will be followed during the examinations. Hand sanitizer will be provided before entering the examination hall. It is also decided to conduct examinations  batch wise (Course wise). The detailed time table will be published in the College website (

In case, any student is unable to attend the examinations, it should be informed well in advance through the mail ( and a letter should be sent to The Controller of Examinations, St.Albert’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam. Separate examinations will be conducted in such cases.